
What is patience and what does it mean, to perfect it?

Patience is a character trait exhibited by an ability to wait, with humility;

Patience is a process;

Patience involves the time and endurance needed in the wait;

Patience is the innate ability not to react, even when you can't see your desired outcome;

Patience is also the innate ability of acceptance, when your desired outcome, is not in-line with Gods Will..

Patience is your faith in action. It is the action of faiths' perfecting power.

Patience is built into each and every test that you face.

The test of patience, is whether you will trust God in the process. For you see; the more you trust God, in the test; the more patience He Is Able to bless you with, in the wait.

Patience, I am learning, is...

Putting the time & energy, into
Areas of life, that challenge &
Test your ability; not to react.
Inevitably, trust in God, builds
Endurance, in the wait.
No-thing is impossible; with God. His
Effort (burden) is easy and light.

This in no way, means that the test is easy; or light; but it does mean, that if you surrender; and allow God to step in; He Will create a barrier of peace; and...

This peace will produce, the perfecting process of patience...

Now; what area(s) is patience availing you?

But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
James 1:4 NKJV

(We'll explore surrender and peace together later).
Be Blessed.

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